Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hey guys! I know I said I am not updating anymore, and this is true. This is probably my very last post. Just wanted to let y'all know about a server exactly like Club Penguin except pretty much no rules and you can have whatever you want (by searching for special codes for each items). There are no membership restrictions of any kind. Decorate your igloo however you want! Wear whatever you want! No membership to pull you back from having fun! Also, you can type with periods, commas, slashes, dashes, etc. The site is ! Have fun! You can also dress like famous penguins!


P.S. I wanted to thank y'all for the helping you all did by just visiting my website. I have had thousands of views added just from this year thanks you y'all! Love ya!

Saturday, September 14, 2013


As many of you have noticed, I am no longer updating this website. If you still find use on here, please continue visiting. I am a lot older and don't play club penguin very much or not at all. If you still like club penguin' that's fine.
Thanks for understanding,
Prince John1

Friday, April 26, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The New Logo Launch

The new logo launch is soon. More details on my FaceBook page.

Waddle on,
Prince John1

Saturday, April 13, 2013

YouTube Section

Youtube section is updated.

New MARVEL Party

I know everyone is excited about the new MARVEL Super Hero Takeover Party on April 25 to May 7. Featuring new super heroes plus brand new villains, it's going to be the talk of Club Penguin and the Marvel Universe. Members will have a chance to be heroes like Hulkess and villains like Dr. Doom. Hopefully, nonmembers will also have chances to be able to  do many things as well. Last time, nonmembers were only able to be a cop or robber. Maybe this time will be a little easier on the nonmembers. But either way, this party will be a grand one for everyone.

Waddle On,
Prince John1