Saturday, March 31, 2012

Rookie and Puffle Handler

Rookie and Puffle Handler are curently online. (March 31, 2012 9:09 AM Eastern Time)

Friday, March 30, 2012


I am on YouTube, but my YouTube is russianlego1. I have a CP sections and a LEGO section. Just find the CP videos. :)

Rookie and Puffle Handler

Rookie is currently online. (Eastern time: 8:17PM)
The Puffle Handler is currently online. (Eastern time: 8:17PM)

Puffle Handler and Rookie

The Puffle Handler is currently online (10:26AM Eastern time March 30, 2012)
Rookie is currently online.


I just added trackers as gadgets to the side of my blog.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Feild Op #75

The mission is this.

Step 1: Go to box demension and click on the Ice Cream Deminsion.
Step 2: Click on Candy Cane and walk to there.
Step 3: Accept Field Op
Step 4: Follow inscructions to get medal.
*Sorry about blocking out all of the names, but I didn't get permission from the users*

April Fool's Day

Make sure you don't miss this awesome event! You're going to love it!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Cake Pin

The cake pin is located in the library (above coffee shop).

Field Op #74

Step 1: Click on map/EPF phone.
Step 2: Click on Ski Village/EPF sign.
Step 3: Click on Everyday phoning Facility/Mission Ready
Step 4: Click on the EPF door/Read Mission Ready
Step 5: Click on Mission Ready and Accept/Accept Mission Ready
Your mission: Go to the broken Aqua Grabber to help Agent Dot.
Step 6: Click on map and click on Forest/EPF phone
Step 7: Click on the giant Berry O'/Click on Hidden Lake
Step 8: Click on the Broken Aqua Grabber
Step 9 (Last step): Accept the game and (with your arrow keys) move your chip around and fill up the boxes. Go back to the circle to recharge.
Epilogue: At the end, they will give you a medal.