Monday, March 26, 2012

Field Op #74

Step 1: Click on map/EPF phone.
Step 2: Click on Ski Village/EPF sign.
Step 3: Click on Everyday phoning Facility/Mission Ready
Step 4: Click on the EPF door/Read Mission Ready
Step 5: Click on Mission Ready and Accept/Accept Mission Ready
Your mission: Go to the broken Aqua Grabber to help Agent Dot.
Step 6: Click on map and click on Forest/EPF phone
Step 7: Click on the giant Berry O'/Click on Hidden Lake
Step 8: Click on the Broken Aqua Grabber
Step 9 (Last step): Accept the game and (with your arrow keys) move your chip around and fill up the boxes. Go back to the circle to recharge.
Epilogue: At the end, they will give you a medal.

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